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quill neuron-manage

Signs a neuron configuration change.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for running quill neuron-manage commands is:

quill neuron-manage [option] <neuron id>


<neuron id>The id of the neuron to manage.


--clear-manage-neuron-followeesRemove all followees for the NeuronManagement topic.
--disburseDisburse the entire staked amount to the controller's account.
-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
--join-community-fundJoin the Internet Computer's community fund with this neuron's entire stake. Caution: this operation is not reversible.
--spawnSpawn rewards to a new neuron under the controller's account.
--start-dissolvingStart dissolving.
--stop-dissolvingStop dissolving.


-a, --additional-dissolve-delay-seconds <ADDITIONAL_DISSOLVE_DELAY_SECONDS>Number of dissolve seconds to add.
--add-hot-key <ADD_HOT_KEY>Principal to be used as a hot key.
--follow-neurons <FOLLOW_NEURONS>...Defines the neuron ids of a follow rule.
--follow-topic <FOLLOW_TOPIC>Defines the topic of a follow rule as defined here.
--merge-from-neuron <MERGE_FROM_NEURON>Merge stake, maturity and age from the neuron specified by this option into the neuron being managed.
--merge-maturity <MERGE_MATURITY>Merge the percentage (between 1 and 100) of the maturity of a neuron into the current stake.
--remove-hot-key <REMOVE_HOT_KEY>Principal hot key to be removed.
--split <SPLIT>Split off the given number of ICP from a neuron.
--register-vote <PROPOSAL_ID>... [--reject]Vote to approve (default) or reject proposal(s).